Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

A quote: “You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” ~~ Marcus Aurelius

I’ll start with a story …


I ride. I’m not quite sure what station I boarded but I know as I watch the stops I haven’t gotten where I want to go.

The train sways and I hold to the strap waiting for a seat. I think hard – get up, get up. Don’t you notice me? Bastards!

And he sits and stares at his phone. She’s fumbling through her purse and my feet are so tired.

Stop, but no one gets off, some get on and then we go.

Did I doze? I do that sometimes. What was my station? Why does no one get off?


Now, it’s your turn.
. featured image, cropped, Adobe Stock standard license

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  • GWB says:

    I watch the man watching me. It’s almost like he knows I’m Jewish.
    If only this train were in Texas or Florida, I wouldn’t have to think about fleeing for my life when he attacks – just taking care of myself.
    I am such a fool for staying here.

    • BJ says:

      A nine year old girl rang my doorbell on Halloween. When I opened the door, she stood stiff as a outraged poker, in a wool hat, mittens, and a white winter coat, thinking “I had a beautiful costume I wanted to show everyone, but Mom said “No coat, no trick or treating.” So here I stand: an Inuit instead of Elsa.

  • Lewis says:

    No thanks, I don’t need or want a seat, I’m not staying long. Come on ahead, I look like a scaredy cat, that’s on purpose, just come on and find out what I really am. I must practice in front of a mirror, something is giving me away, they don’t want to try it with me like they did with my sister. Maybe I have to learn to look more scared like she was, perhaps I look a little too scared like I’m not!

    I’ll change cars at the next stop, see what happens then.

  • Cameron says:

    I saved this picture for last. The two fashion executives were staring at her in utter fascination.

    “This is an excellent shot,” the man said.

    The woman nodded in agreement. “The lighting, the subtle shading. And that model. Where did you find her?”

    “A random passenger who was on her home from work. She admitted she barely applies any makeup and she’s still better looking than the bloated land whales you’re trying to pass off as modern beauties.” I smirked at them. “And your reaction to her proves that I’m right. Start hiring better models and stop worrying about ‘inclusivity.’

  • Leigh Kimmel says:

    I thought I knew all about mass transit. Hadn’t I spent the last year and a half riding VTA light rail to work and back? So I wasn’t worried when corporate transferred me to the Big Apple.

    I don’t know how people picked up on it — I still have my California drivers license, which doesn’t have an identifying mark because of Governor Thorne’s executive order that Sharps should not be stigmatized for our genetic origins. But it wasn’t long before random riders started pushing me aside, then spitting on me when I objected. Some of them even meowed at me and asked where I hid my kitty ears and tail, never mind I don’t have any transgenetic material.

    I wish I could go back home, or even down to Texas where NASA’s astronaut clones have enough presence to keep the prejudice tamped down. But corporate says they need me out here.

    Maybe it’s time to start looking for a new job back in the Valley. There’s nothing but pain here in the state where Ike Liebowitz was robbed of victory in his re-election bid as Governor, then attacked and forced to flee the country when he dared challenge Flannigan for the Presidency.

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