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If his words don’t humble you, then nothing ever will.
I especially was touched by his comments about what he expected from his government in return for his service. He didn’t serve in WWI and WWII because the government asked him to; he served because his country needed him. He didn’t want or expect anything back. How many of us can learn from that?
How sad that he is the last of the WWI soldiers. Some of the best Americans we’ve ever had… let’s make sure to honor their legacy. These men and women who serve us in uniform are putting their lives on the lines for their love of country. Let us never, ever forget that sacrifice.
Hat Tip: Ace of Spades
“When a war came, you had a responsibility for taking care of your country.”
There are men and women just like this fine gentleman serving in our armed forces right now. God bless and keep him and them.
This is a classic reason of why we must support our troops. Men such as Mr. Buckles made this country was it is. We cannot allow his service, along with the service of so many others to be in vain. Thank you so very much Cassy for posting this.
Great video–thanks for the post on this important day.
Thank you. That was beautiful.
Great post.
Absolutely wonderful. Thanks for linking that.
I recently interviewed a lovely lady who will turn 100 this August, God willing. She started working when she was 15 years old because she had to. No complaints, no regrets. You just did what you had to do back then.
<b>This is a classic reason of why we must support our troops. Men such as Mr. Buckles made this country was it is. We cannot allow his service, along with the service of so many others to be in vain. Thank you so very much Cassy for posting this.</b>