Feminists whine: we can’t afford birth control, so men should buy it for us!!

Feminists whine: we can’t afford birth control, so men should buy it for us!!

I was browsing Feministing today, and came across this whiny post:

Basically, women are cutting back because they can no longer afford their preferred method of contraceptive. I thought it was interesting that there was no discussion about MEN helping pay for contraception. I mean, having sex and babies does require two people after all. The survey was only women, maybe that is why, but the article starts with a line about COUPLES not wanting to have children and then proceeds to talk about why women cannot afford contraceptives.

She’s referring to this article:

Recent surveys suggest some couples are delaying having babies because of the poor economy and lack of job security or unemployment. But the recession may lead to more unintended pregnancies, too. A survey released this week shows some women are abandoning their contraceptives or switching to less expensive, less reliable methods because of cost or lack of health-insurance coverage.

The survey, conducted by the Gallup Organization, found 3 percent of women of child-bearing age had quit using birth control because they could not afford it. Six percent of women using a hormonal form of birth control, such as the pill, said they had abandoned the method because they could not afford it. Ten percent of women said they were worried about their ability to keep paying for contraception. Some women said they had switched birth-control methods because of cost.

The survey was commissioned by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and released at the organization’s annual meeting in Chicago.

Twenty percent of women said they were more concerned about having an unintended pregnancy today than they were one year ago.

“Even 3 percent is a big number if you look at the entire number of women in that age group,” said Dr. Iffath Hoskins, vice president of ACOG, who presented the survey results. “We’re deeply concerned about the effect of the economy on women’s health care.”

About 50 percent of pregnancies in the United States are unintended. In good economic times, many families are happy to welcome another child, Hoskins said. But when one or both spouses are unemployed or when money is tight, an unintended pregnancy can be a disaster for a family.

Still, contraceptives are expensive and difficult to obtain in the United States compared with many other countries, said Dr. Rebekah Gee, an obstetrician and gynecologist who served on the Obama administration transition team.

“Birth control is unacceptably expensive,” Gee said.

Every dollar spent in the public-health sector on contraceptives saves $3 in childbirth and newborn health care costs for Medicaid. But not all insurance companies pay for contraceptives, and women spend money and time on doctor’s office visits to obtain prescriptions for the most reliable forms of birth control.

“There are multiple costs associated with contraceptives that we don’t even think about,” she said.

I found the feminist anger on this funny.

First, if women are so strong and capable, then why do they need men to buy their birth control for them? Isn’t that what feminists always carp on about, how women don’t need no men taking care of them? Yet here’s a feminist whining because men are not taking care of women. I suspect that she still would have been angry if the article had suggested that men buy the birth control for the women, because then, it would have been saying that women couldn’t do it on their own. Either way, I’m sure she would’ve been offended. And why? Because women are being denied their precious birth control! Oh no! Something MUST be done!

I suppose abstaining from sex if you can’t afford birth control and are not ready for a baby never crossed this little feminist’s mind. No, it’s an outrage! Something must be done! Birth control is just TOO expensive! We must act now!

Look, I hate to break it to feminists and liberals, but contraceptives are not really a “healthcare necessity”. I know that advising women to not have sex if they can’t afford to go buy themselves a condom or get on The Pill is like, so unfeminist, but it’s the truth. Besides, birth control is never 100% foolproof. The only sure way not to get pregnant is not to have sex, so even if you do use birth control pills and a condom, there’s still a very small risk of getting pregnant anyways. And if you’re having trouble affording your birth control, then you’re probably not going to be able to afford a baby. (Oh, but wait, there’s abortion, so who cares, right?) But to liberals and feminists, not being able to have free sex whenever the urge hits you constitutes a crisis, so something must immediately be done to remedy the situation.

For all of the debate on the subject, when you take all of the rhetoric away, each person is responsible for themselves. And if a woman is going to have sex, it is her responsibility to make sure she can get birth control. Not her boyfriend’s or her husband’s or her one night stand’s, but her’s. Dealing with your own responsibilities is not very popular with liberals, but it’s still something that has to be done, no matter how much feminists may bitch and whine about how SEXIST!! it is.

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  • ultranaut says:

    I was under the impression that the man has no say in the question of whether to abort a fetus because it’s the woman’s uterus after all; wouldn’t the expectation that the man should bear the burden of upkeep and maintenance of the equipment entitle him to a legit claim in how it gets used?

    Or should I just be looking at this as another pay-to-play scheme?

  • RuthenianCowboy says:

    Still, contraceptives are expensive and difficult to obtain in the United States compared with many other countries, said Dr. Rebekah Gee, an obstetrician and gynecologist who served on the Obama administration transition team.

    “Birth control is unacceptably expensive,” Gee said.

    SERIOUSLY? Has this ‘doctor’ NEVER been to a Walmart?

  • Uli says:

    I’m all for feminists using the best birth control available. Heck, if I could, I’d buy it for them. Who wants more people being indoctrinated since birth with their so called liberal “values”.

  • Mat says:

    I guess my question is that if feminists hate men so much, then how come they want to sleep with them? I mean really, if you push the feminist cause to its logical conclusion, they’d all be a bunch of leznuts…

    Ultranaut, the answer to your question is…yes. Feminists have no interest in “equality.” What they want is dominance. They want gender role-reversal. And they’ll stay that way until they get it, which is an excellent reason why men should fight it.

  • Steffen says:

    This story is funny. Femminazis trying to whine and bitch. But at the same time want to be considered equal? Yah OK.

  • DavidL says:

    Gender feminists only want to be equal, when and where they choose to be equal. Aside from that, dittos to Ultranaut.

  • I R A Darth Aggie says:

    You’d think that’d make them happy. Less straight sex, more lesbianism.

    Just sayin’

  • Spurwing Plover says:


  • CaptDMO says:

    SO..um..the whine here is that men should give women CASH, and in return, will be rewarded with heterosexual sex without “complications”?

    Oh, THERE’S a “new” idea!

    How much “free” contraception does Planned Parenthood, NOW, or VAWA funded entities, invest in subsidizing such “Independent and emancipated womens” issues?

    Are historically feminist allies-of-convenience in the “gay” community planning on sharing the “free” rubbers, also distributed to address “complications” of irresponsible, recreational, and frequently casual, sex partners?

  • mrbill says:

    I think all sex education should include a video of an abortion so the whole truth can be seen. Its not about condoms and bananas. Its about responsibility for your actions.
    That is all.

  • Glenn Cassel AMH1(AW) USN RET says:

    At Walgreens, WalMart and other sundrie places: Trojan and Ramses. Easy and cheap contraception. No risk of insemination at all.
    Pretty simple solution if the guy can put his own vanity aside for the moment.
    No surprises like, I’m pregnant phone calls.
    In the early nineties at my last shore command, when you went on leave, the authorization had a stamp put on it. It said, “Wrap that Rascal”.
    But then again simplicity does escape this crowd, doesn’t it?

  • Your Body, your choice, your responsibility.

  • Mat says:


    There’s a lot of debate about what certain groups of feminists think they want. Overall, I think it’s just easier to say that they want a reversal of roles. Even many “gender” feminists want some form of dominance: they’re just a little more subtle about it than the other groups.

  • nina says:

    If women wish to REALLy be equal , let them pay for the men’s condoms, I know a lot opf female friends that do just that. And since men do not have any choice in an abortion, but are made to pay for an unwanted pregnancy, i.e., baby for 18 yrs, it seems a dichotomy. Gals, if you want to have a dance you gotta pay the band, grow up and take some repsonsibility!

  • stew o. says:

    By all means buy them their, whatever they need, few men desire to pay for another mans kid anyway. And if you doubt that hundreds of thousand of idiot’s, I was one, are raising someone else’s child you’d be mistaken. OMIGOSH, you don’t suppose I was the only one? Let’s get on with the CHEAP DNA tests shall we? I once met a man who told me that he had built a new home in the hills above San Carlos Ca. for his bride to be. The wedding reception was held at the house and he walked in on his new bride screwing an old boy-friend. Course he annulled the marriage, but does that tell you something about the human condition. By all means buy them what they want but insist upon DNA tests.

  • Sean says:

    If paying for their birth control means less of them, and their progeny, I’ll gladly pay for it. After a while, there won’t be any more of them, and the problem solves itself. But having sex with a Feminazi is akin to putting your schlong on an anvil, and hitting it with a ball peen hammer. You’ll achieve the desired results, and the pain will never really go away.

  • Odo Ital says:

    Oh, no! Strong, Smart, and Independent Women® want men to pay for something! Yet again! Think of the Children®!

  • art341 says:

    When Nancy Hopkins, of MIT, heard Larry Summers say we should examine the differences between men and women in math and the sciences she said, “I almost threw up. I thought I was going to black out.”

    In other words, “I am dyspeptic. I must repair to the swooning couch.”

    Another one: A while back, a long while back, a man and a woman approached a door simultaneously. The man opened the door for the female who turned to him and said, “I suppose you’re doing that because I am a lady.” To which he replied, “No, I am doing it because I am a gentleman.”

  • Conservative says:

    I agree with Uli–let’s hope these people don’t reproduce, because they’re inherently dysfunctional.

  • Stephen J. says:

    Not only does the article never suggest abstinence, it’s interesting that it doesn’t appear to suggest that women take the Lysistrata approach: “You want to hit the sheets with me? You chip in for the contraceptives, bub, or you’re on the couch or out the door.”

    Given what most men shell out on dates and gifts in the mere hope of getting lucky, even today, the comparative low cost of an investment which is, by its nature, more or less a certain admission that you will get lucky should have tremendous appeal. Few guys I know would complain about an extra twenty bucks a month for the privilege of getting busy. Yet somehow very few women seem to take advantage of that opportunity; or at least, very few admit to it if they do.

    To be fair, an ongoing (if tattered) ideal of feminism has always been that women shouldn’t need to resort to sexual blackmail, so it would be hypocritical to get caught advocating the tactic anyway. But as with all dynamics that ultimately reduce sex to a transactional exchange, the picture of humanity that emerges is an ugly one.

  • CatholicGirl says:

    I think the idea is that if two people are in a long term relationship, and they are both making choices about sex and parenthood, then both people should be responsible for the expenses required for their choice. This is REGARDLESS of gender. If two people want to have kids, both people should contribute to the rearing of that child. If two people want to have sex but do not want to have a kid, then they should BOTH contribute to birth control costs.

    The reason that I focused on couples (as opposed to one night stands) is that the pill is most frequently used in long term committed relationships. In fact, it is irresponsible to use it for a one time sexual encounter because it does not protect against STDs.

    I’m not sure why anyone would object to the idea of mutual responsibility in relationships. And that is all that the feminists advocate.

    However, feminists would object to the idea that women should be solely responsible for costs associated with sex and children. Maybe people think that’s a woman’s domain? (I’m just guessing– I have no idea why people insist that birth control costs should be paid by one gender over another.)

  • Jessica says:

    I am married and we are a younger couple both in our twenties. My husband and I have a two year old daughter. We were already low income BEFORE my husband was laid off from his job and I am just a part time waitress now trying to pick up extra shifts. It doesn’t help that as economy declines tips become less and less. My point is, we most definitely cannot afford birth control.
    We’ve been trying to refrain from sexual intercourse, and use “natural” methods when we do. (Hah like that’ll do much good) If I got pregnant again… I don’t know what we’d do, we’d probably wind up homeless. Not to mention, we had decided that having one child is a lot harder than either of us ever thought and we don’t want anymore.
    Why doesn’t the government just offer free sterilization for low income adults? It’d be cheaper than paying for my medicaid when I wind up preggers.

  • brianne says:

    “I guess my question is that if feminists hate men so much, then how come they want to sleep with them? I mean really, if you push the feminist cause to its logical conclusion, they’d all be a bunch of leznuts…”

    You’re an idiot.

    What a moronic steretype, “feminists hate men”
    I’m a feminist, I care about female issues, I believe women and men should be treated equally,
    I also love men. Love them. Love having sex with them.

    A lot of modern day feminists don’t hate men, and don’t want to be men. They just want fair and equal treatment.

  • Toolchick101 says:

    What about married couples? Money is jointly shared…so any money my husband earns is mine and vice versa.

    So the arguement that “men should help pay” is ludicrous in my mind (since money is from a joint account).

    Are you suggesting that I should have a sexless marriage because we can’t afford birth control and our state doesn’t require insurance to cover it?

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