Equal Employment Opportunity Commission And Gender Identity

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission And Gender Identity

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission And Gender Identity

You will comply with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) to accept gender identity in the workplace.

Earlier this week, a proposed rule was published adding gender identity to be included in sex-based discrimination.

The federal agency published a proposed rule for workplace harassment Monday, citing the Supreme Court’s decision in Bostock v. Clayton County, which states, “sex-based discrimination includes discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.” – Breitbart News

So now we will be forced to play along with the pronoun situation with the mentally ill. The Biden administration’s obsession with trans ideology is quite astonishing. It appears they won’t stop forcing this upon the people.

This is part of the proposal:

Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity: Sex-based discrimination includes discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Accordingly, sex-based harassment includes harassment on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity, including how that identity is expressed. Examples include epithets regarding sexual orientation or gender identity; physical assault; harassment because an individual does not present in a manner that would stereotypically be associated with that person’s gender; intentional and repeated use of a name or pronoun inconsistent with the individual’s gender identity (misgendering); or the denial of access to a bathroom or other sex-segregated facility consistent with the individual’s gender identity.


It goes on to give an example of discrimination.

Example 4: Harassment Based on Gender Identity. Jennifer, a cashier at a fast food restaurant who identifies as female, alleges that supervisors, coworkers, and customers regularly and intentionally misgender her. One of her supervisors, Allison, frequently uses Jennifer’s prior male name, male pronouns, and “dude” when referring to Jennifer, despite Jennifer’s request for Allison to use her correct name and pronouns; other managers also intentionally refer to Jennifer as “he.” Coworkers have asked Jennifer questions about her sexual orientation and anatomy and asserted that she was not female. Customers also have intentionally misgendered Jennifer and made threatening statements to her, but her supervisors did not address the harassment and instead reassigned her to duties outside of the view of customers. Based on these facts, Jennifer has alleged harassment based on her gender identity.

And you can forget about standing behind your religious beliefs, too. The proposal required employers to protect their employees from religiously motivated harassment.

“Employers are not required to accommodate religious expression that creates, or reasonably threatens to create, a hostile work environment,” it states. – Breitbart

Take it to court.

Now, having said all of that, federal courts have actually stood up for free speech. A Shawnee State University (Portsmouth, Ohio – my hometown) awarded $400,000 to a professor for damages and attorney fees after the university tried to punish the professor for refusing to call a male student female, the student’s preferred gender identity.

And again, last year, federal courts stepped in. This time, to stop the EEOC from forcing a guidance document that advised Americans to file complaints against employers who did not comply with trans ideology.

This new proposal to include gender identity discrimination is tucked up under the umbrella of sex discrimination and appears to be the EEOC’s response to the guidance mentioned above being shot down by a federal judge. Or it’s their workaround anyway.

The EEOC—and the Department of Education—claimed that it did not need to comply with the Administrative Procedure Act in drafting such a document because it was not binding. The judge ruled otherwise, and this proposed rule seems to be EEOC’s belated response. – The Daily Signal

So, it appears this isn’t stopping Biden’s administration from forcing this upon us in the workplace.

This tells me that with this new proposal, you will spend your money and time defending yourself in court if you get fired for misgendering someone at work.

The Victory Girls have been bringing you gender identity issues for a long time. It looks like we will have to continue this battle.

Feature Image: Arkirkland, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

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