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If you ever watch Keith Olbermann, you know that he loves to bash people for what he apparently sees as an inferior education. And I guess he can, because he went to an Ivy League school.
Oh, wait, Ann Coulter busted that wide open:
Indeed, Keith is constantly lying about his nonexistent “Ivy League” education, boasting to Playboy magazine, for example: “My Ivy League education taught me how to cut corners, skim books and take an idea and write 15 pages on it, and also how to work all day at the Cornell radio station and never actually go to class.”
Except Keith didn’t go to the Ivy League Cornell; he went to the Old MacDonald Cornell.
The real Cornell, the School of Arts and Sciences (average SAT: 1,325; acceptance rate: 1 in 6 applicants), is the only Ivy League school at Cornell and the only one that grants a Bachelor of Arts degree.
Keith went to an affiliated state college at Cornell, the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (average SAT: about that of pulling guards at the University of South Carolina; acceptance rate: 1 of every 1.01 applicants).
Olbermann’s incessant lying about having an “Ivy League education” when he went to the non-Ivy League ag school at Cornell would be like a graduate of the Yale locksmithing school boasting about being a “Yale man.”
Among the graduates of the Ivy League Cornell are Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Thomas Pynchon, Paul Wolfowitz, E.B. White, Sanford I. Weill, Floyd Abrams, Kurt Vonnegut, Douglas Ginsburg, Janet Reno, Henry Heimlich and Harold Bloom.
Graduates of the ag school include David LeNeveu of the Anaheim Ducks, Mitch Carefoot of the Phoenix RoadRunners, Darren Eliot, former professional hockey player, and Joe Nieuwendyk, multiple Stanley Cup winner.
… If you actually want to pursue a career related to agriculture, there is no better school than the Cornell ag school. I have nothing but admiration for the farmers and aspiring veterinarians at the ag school. They didn’t go there just to have “Cornell” on their resumes.
In addition to the farmers, there are some smart kids who go to the ag school — as there are at all state universities. But most people who majored in “communications” at an ag school don’t act like Marshall Scholars or go around mocking graduates of Regent University Law School.
Yes, Ann, most people don’t do that. But Keith Olbermann is not most people, is he?
This column, of course, sparked a feud between Olbermann and Coulter ending with Olbermann looking even more humiliated.
Here’s the thing about Keith Olbermann and his choice to attend Cornell’s ag school, supposedly because of the cost, although I wonder if Olbermann could have even gotten into the Ivy League school. Anyway, there’s nothing wrong with it! Why is he so damn defensive? (Well, I know why he’s so defensive, but we’ll get to that in a second.) I’m sure plenty of people exercize the same options and save a lot of time and money by doing so. It’s a perfectly acceptable diploma.
It does not, however, qualify you as an Ivy-Leaguer. And this is what really burns Olbermann.
It’s not Ann Coulter thumbing her nose at Cornell’s ag school; it’s Keith Olbermann that is. The fact that he even feels the need to stretch the truth about his college degree to make it seem more prestigious says enough in and of itself. He obviously feels a degree of shame and insecurity about his degree.
His response to Coulter’s column was so sad and pathetic, too — especially when he felt the need to drag out his framed and matted diploma, proclaiming, “SEE! IT SAYS CORNELL! I’M A CORNELL GRAD! HAHAHAHAHA!” Yes, Keith, you are a Cornell grad. And good Lord, could you be more pompous about it?? You graduated from the ag school, not the Ivy League school. And meanwhile, you constantly mock people for their supposedly inferior education.
And sure, he says he’s never heard of Cornell grads distinguishing between the different colleges. But trust me, like any other prestigious organization, they surely do. Like Ace says:
No offense, Keith. You thought that because you were at the weaker, less-selective school. And you didn’t hear it because people were just being nice.
Trust me, I heard a lot of this, and I didn’t even go to a great school. But yeah, the people at the more-selective college did get annoyed when those from the less-selective colleges would claim to have come from our college. Like deliberately misstating which college they actually attended in the yearbook.
Petty, yes, but people are petty.
Again, I’m sure you, at the state ag school, thought you were all equals. The kids at the pricey, tony, more-selective Ivy private college didn’t.
And that’s not just Coulter — that’s all of them.
If Keith Olbermann wants to run around dissing people for their choice in higher education, he has every right to do so. But next time, perhaps he’ll think twice. Maybe he’ll cease to put down one school while stretching the truth about his own choice in higher education.
But that’ll probably happen the same day that Olbermann stops impersonating Bert from Sesame Street.
Hat Tip: Olbermann Watch
[quote]If Keith Olbermann wants to run around dissing people for their choice in higher education, he has every right to do so. But next time, perhaps he’ll think twice.[/quote]
Don’t hold your breath.
Obermann NOT making an ass out of himself on the world stage for everyone to see?? Yea, never gonna happen.
I went to West Point. I can look down my nose at Olbermann all I want.
…college men from LSU
Went in dumb – come out dumb too…
– Rednecks, Randy Newman
(Of course, even I’d take an LSU man over any Ivy or fake Ivy League poof who ever breathed…)
I find Olbermann as annoying as about any one, but I utterly fail to see Coulter’s point (because, as best I can tell, she’s flat out wrong).
It’s Cornell the university that’s part of the Ivy League, not specific colleges of the university. Cornell even explicitly calls out the Ag School as being “Ivy League” on their own website ( And, at the end of the day, the origin of the Ivy League is a sports conference – and Ag students at Cornell on athletics teams would play in … the Ivy League.
This (like the whole Rush debacle) is the kind of stupid arguments conservatives are happy to get bogged down in while we should be arguing about more important things, like the rate at which government is growing over the first 7 weeks of the Obama presidency.
Hey Cass –
Head on over to Wikipedia and try to clear this thing up. Do a little bit of digging over there — by which I mean, flip over to the “Talk” page and browse a certain “archived argument.”
In a nutshell, the editors read Coulter’s column, checked out her claim, found it to be completely valid, and, using a certain brand of logic that they were able to somehow connect to “Wikipedia’s policies,” assigned it a status of “debunked.”
This neurosis from which Mr. Olbermann suffers, it would seem, is contagious…
How many Mensans paid for an Ivy festooned sheepskin?
If I ever have questions about how one should practice animal husbandry
I’ll be sure to tune in to the Olberman show.
However, I give the Morning Farm Report more weight on authoritative opinions.
Sheesh, what’s next? Movie critics spouting off their unsolicited opinions of national and world affairs?
As long as they don’t call it “facts”, “News”, or they unerringly put a question mark after each supposition, then I guess folks of Olberman’s ilk will remain as “associate contributors the “How To Serve Man” cookbook.
That is a great John Stuart Mill quote! Here is a better one from him.
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Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives.
— John Stuart Mill
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Who is John Stuart Mill?
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John Stuart Mill (20 May 1806 – 8 May 1873), British philosopher, political economist, civil servant and Member of Parliament, was an influential *liberal* thinker of the 19th century. He was an exponent of utilitarianism, an ethical theory developed by Jeremy Bentham, although his conception of it was very different from Bentham’s.
— — — — — — —
Have a blessed day…
It is not the education you get. It is what you do with the education you got. By Keith Olbermann’s logic he should be more successful that Rush Limbaugh. Olbermann has a BA from Cornell. Limbaugh dropped out of his first year of collage.
Yet Limbaugh is far more successful than Olbermann and for less resentful. Put that in your pipe and smoke it Keith.
Sheesh, what’s next? Movie critics spouting off their unsolicited opinions of national and world affairs?
You jest, right? We have that already. New York Times’ theater critic Frank Rich does exactly that with alarming regularity. In fact, I have noticed that he is one of Ann’s favorite targets.
You WERE joking, right?
And then McCain’s daughter smacks down Coulter:
Ann vs. that do***bag king isn’t even a fair fight.
I thought that maybe one silver lining to this very dark cloud is all my lib friends would finally lighten up. It’s been exactly the opposite!!!
The Ivy League is an athletic conference! By Ann Coulter’s logic, the many Cornell athletes who compete in the Ivy League but are not in the A&S college are somehow not Ivy Leaguers? That makes no sense. FWIW, I went to the College of Engineering, which has higher average SAT scores than the one Ann Coulter claims is the “real” Ivy League school. I am not sure what she majored in at the “real” Cornell, but unless it was math or science, it was almost certainly a million times easier than several of the science majors in Cornell’s state schools, and any major in the engineering school. She is making a distinction that plenty of people make unofficially, but it is in no way any kind of real “gotcha.”
Sorry but you are mistaken:,_NY.html
Cornell consists of seven(7) undergraduate colleges amongst which the A&S ( Coulter) is one as well as the college of Agriculture (Keith) :
* College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
* College of Architecture, Art, and Planning
* College of Arts and Sciences
* College of Engineering
* School of Hotel Administration
* College of Human Ecology
* School of Industrial and Labor Relations