Contessa Brewer is a ClimateGate denier

Contessa Brewer is a ClimateGate denier

The news media has been hesitant to even mention ClimateGate, but when they do, it’s been to dismiss the whole controversy. For example, check out this exchange between MSNBC anchor Contessa Brewer and Politico reporter Erica Lovely:

According to Brewer, we should trust the scientists when they say they weren’t actually trying to trick anyone… despite saying they were manipulating evidence to trick people. Evidently, trying to trick people is, as Brewer puts it, “a very well-known accepted data technique”. Together, Brewer and Lovely dismiss the whole controversy and make it look as if the people angry about this are just unintelligent rubes trying to discredit honest scientists. Clearly, it doesn’t matter at all that the e-mails show what everyone’s expected: that global warming is a fake, and that scientists have been manipulating data to make it look like the earth has been warming, even though the truth is that it isn’t. The e-mails themselves admit that the climate isn’t doing what they want it to be doing — warming — and that the data needs to be manipulated to get it to look like what they want it to look like. Phil Jones of the Climate Research Unit admitted that they had been hacked and that the e-mails were real. So why are liberals still defending this and trying to cover it up?

It’s simple: because they’ve got too much invested in the global warming hoax. They can use it to pass legislation (like cap and trade), to make money (like the carbon credits scheme), and to manipulate people out of fear. If people realize the earth has actually been cooling over the last ten years, and that leading climate change scientists are complicit in manipulating data to make it appear that the earth is warming, then it will destroy the movement’s credibility. Naturally, this mean that liberal journalists like Contessa Brewer have to play their part in covering it up. This will include — and has been including — discrediting the people who have been calling for an investigation into this and are skeptical of the global warming hoax. If it turns out that it really is all a fake, then a lot of people are going to look foolish, including President Obama, who will be attending the climate change summit in Copenhagen.

If journalists had any ethics or integrity left, they would be the ones investigating this. But instead, they’re taking part in the cover-up of the ClimateGate controversy. It’s just further proof that journalism has officially died.

Hat Tip: Newsbusters

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  • Pedro says:

    Keep up the good work Cassy . . . we are still fighting for the US!

  • Chris M-G says:

    Journalism died a long time ago.

  • That last part is the bulls-eye. It reminds me of perhaps dozens of Dilbert comic strips in which the headline begins with the words “This is where you…” and of course, the other person does something else.

    They are like a puppy playing fetch with a dynamite stick that has just been lit. They m-u-s-t drop it now and run away. It matters not what excuses they conjure up to avoid realizing it.

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