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Bill Clinton wants you to keep it in your pants! Just don’t expect him to.

Bill Clinton wants you to keep it in your pants! Just don’t expect him to.

I wonder if he realizes the wonderful irony of this statement:

Bill Clinton made a plea yesterday for a new emphasis on monogamy as a key element in the battle against Aids.

The former US president, not noted for his ability to keep his own marriage vows, said it was very important to change people’s attitudes to sex.

In an interview with the BBC recorded in Africa, Mr Clinton said that increasing support for monogamy was not just a problem for the continent worst hit by Aids but for the world.

“To pretend we can ever get hold of this without dealing with that – the idea of unprotected sexual relations with unlimited numbers of partners – I think would be naïve,” he said.

Experts believe that the nature of Africans’ relationships may help explain the continent’s high rate of Aids. Research suggests a higher frequency of overlapping sexual partnerships.

Well, that’s rich. I never thought I’d hear Bill Clinton, of all people, advising monogamy. It isn’t like he’s a fan.

Aside from the obvious dig at Bill Clinton, there’s more fun we can have with this article. It’s somehow shocking news that if you don’t want to get AIDS, it’d probably be a good idea to not sleep around. This, of course, goes against all that is held sacred in the hearts of liberals and modern-day feminists. We’re told today to embrace casual sex, that there will never be any consequences as long as you take birth control and remember to slap on a condom. Then there’s no risk whatsoever. It’s all fun and games, it isn’t the least bit harmful to anyone (physically or emotionally, of course), and as long as you’re both consenting adults, then it doesn’t matter. The obvious possible repercussions are brushed off or ignored.

It’s always seemed somehow contradictory to me how modern feminists so often advocate women slutting around. “Men do it!”, they shriek. “If men can sleep around, so can women!” They seem to ignore the fact that sleeping around is not a positive. Sure, men may be more promiscuous than women. That doesn’t mean women should jump right on that bandwagon. But jump on, women have. Feminists are leading us to the promised land, you see, of sex without consequences. You’ll never feel used or abandoned or cheap. As long as you use a condom, you won’t get an STD and if you get pregnant, well, you can just have an abortion. Sex is fun fun fun, all the time, and screw the consequences!

The thing is, abandoning morals and values does not necessarily only mean that, well, you’ve abandoned your morals and values. When doing so means you’re having countless casual sexual relationships with someone you’ve known for approximately 87 minutes at a bar, you can have a lot bigger issues. Condoms are not exactly foolproof. You can wear a condom and still get an STD. This “promised land” modern-day feminists and liberals have been preaching about does not exist. Nothing good comes from sleeping around. Cheapening sex can have a lot of repercussions, including some emotional doozies, and it isn’t a good idea to do so if for no other reason than to keep yourself healthy and safe.

Bill Clinton may not be practicing what he preaches, but it’s still good advice. Keep it in your pants, folks, unless it’s someone you’re in an exclusive relationship with. Sleeping around recklessly may feel good in the moment, but instant gratification usually comes with a price. And sleeping with strangers is the ultimate in instant gratification. Is that hour of fun really worth the lifetime of pain from AIDS? Not likely. Sex is great. It isn’t something to be feared and diminished. But it is something to be shared with one person, and one person only, no matter what Bill Clinton does or Eve Ensler & Co. try to tell you.

Hat Tip: My colleague Bill Jempty at Wizbang

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