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This is a disturbing, albeit unsurprising, development:
BOYS face compulsory feminism programs in state schools across Victoria in a major push to prevent violence against females.
Possible classroom activities include students acting out scenes of sexual coercion after which students would suggest more appropriate behaviour.A VicHealth report for the state Education Department calls for teachers to be trained in gender, violence and sexual health issues so they would be comfortable discussing “taboo” issues.
But it would help if teachers could “make the program fun”, the authors said.
The report says programs for all students should start at primary level and be reinforced across all year levels in subjects including drama, English, science and sport.
They would combat common attitudes among boys such as young women are either “good girls or sluts”, the report said.
It said feminist theories were best at explaining the link between gender power relations and violence against women, and must underpin the programs.
But the authors of the “Respectful Relationships Education” report admitted there was considerable community hostility to feminism, even among teachers and students.
“However, a feminist conceptual framework is essential both to reflect research on violence in relationships and families and to anchor the political commitments of the program,” they said.
Australian Family Association spokesman John Morrissey said boys were already getting feminised education due to the falling number of male teachers in schools. “I’m sceptical if boys will respond to it if it is dressed up in feminist language and ideology,” he said.
“Strident feminist propaganda won’t wash with boys.”
Report author Dr Michael Flood admitted there was always the risk of a backlash, but said it was crucial that students were taught that sexist attitudes and unequal relationships between the sexes were central to explaining violence.
“We need to do that in ways that are careful and respectful and don’t make boys in particular feel blamed and demonised for the problem,” he said.
“Not by shoving capital ‘F’ feminism down their throats.”
Education Minister Bronwyn Pike said four schools would run anti-violence pilot programs from early next year.
This is nothing short of feminist indoctrination, plain and simple. Feministing, of course, approves. They’re all for mandatory feminism classes. The problem is that feminism is not an absolute that everyone should adhere to. Modern feminism deserves to be lumped in with socialism, fascism, and communism. It’s not as blatantly harmful, of course, but just imagine what the outrage would be if there were, say, mandated communism classes.
It’s bad enough that our children are already being indoctrinated with liberal policies across the globe. Now, they’re going to be indoctrinated with wackjob feminism, too? Don’t be fooled by the “we’re trying to prevent violence against women” crap, either. That’s just the excuse. If preventing violence against women was all they were concerned with, then they really shouldn’t need compulsatory feminism classes. Why not just teach kids respect? What this will inevitably lead to is indoctrination of children with feminist principles for years on end — and of course, the demonizing of boys and men. Boys will be made to feel guilty simply because they are male. They will be made to feel as if they are inherently prone to be rapists and abusers just because they are male. Children could just be taught that all violence is wrong as well, yet boys have to be singled out in the name of feminist ideals.
The other issue here is that, yet again, liberals are having teachers introduce morals to the classroom. This is problematic. The only people who should be instilling morals and values into children are parents. A teacher should not be able to indoctrinate certain morals, values, ideals, or outlooks into children. School is for education, not indoctrination, yet that’s what liberals try to introduce, time and time again.
This is happening in Australia, and thank God not here. But judging from the comments, Australian citizens are rightly outraged. Parents everywhere are facing the indoctrination of their children in schools across the globe. This is just the latest sickening example.
With all due respect, the current feminism is, in fact, as blatantly harmful as the ideologies you mentioned. It’s just much more insidious than the others. At least you know what you’re going to get from fascism, communism and socialism.
The current feminism’s main goal is to re-invent or socially re-engineer society. That means the women will be at the top of the ladder, while men will become second class citizens (in their eyes, this will be revenge for the “oppression” that was forced on them for such a long time). Not so? Read any truly feminist material out there and you’d be surprised at how much they talk about this garbage amongst themselves. They simply tidy things up when they want to talk publicly. But amongst themselves, it’s a whole different ballgame.
Whatever happens in Europe/Australia is merely about 20 years away for this country. Again, think not? I’ll just mention health care and that should give you a pretty good indication of where this country is going. So yes, this does concern me a bit.
Yet another reason why there’s no way in hell I’d get into a relationship and have kids. I would never want to bring up a son in this day and age. Way too many pitfalls.
This isn’t so bad. I had instruction in how to treat women and be respectful. I called the teacher Dad.
This goes way beyond simple respect. This is social re-engineering, plain and simple.
What an interesting juxtaposition with the newest post. The “feminists” see no contradiction between their pro-sex ideology (see “Dear Abby”) and rape, although they are intertwined. Once sex is not about morality and emotions, but about physical pleasure, rape is not illogical. After all, why not pressure a woman to give you more? Don’t you both deserve pleasure? Won’t she really like it and have a good time, even though she’s a bit squeamish?
Want to end violence against women? Try telling all young children that sex is special, that having it in the wrong situations leads to heart break (at best), and that “persuading” a woman is deeply wrong because the action is so very sacred.
Victoria has some of the country’s most insane policies. Like booking people for going 1kph over the speed limit.
As if it’s not bad enough that Aussie men are being told “to swear never to commit, never to excuse, and never to remain silent about violence against women” ( That our shared parenting law (which in short states that judges must begin hearings with an assumption of 50/50 time for both parents) is under review, and feminists are decrying Tony Abbott’s rise to lead the Opposition (he is very vocally Christian, thus abhors abortion), but we also get this bull in Victoria.
If they want to combat violence against women, it would be far more effective to teach girls some self defense. It’s hard to rape someone after you’ve been punched in the throat.
You’re exactly right Roxanne. Feminsts complain about a “rape culture”, but don’t realized it is the exact result of the lack of sexual moral values in today’s society. Another thing is that men who become rapists/woman beaters usually grew up without a father. If feminists really want to see an end to rape and abuse, they will encourage boys to adopt traditional Christian values. Of course they are hypocrites who claim to be good conservative of Christian men and end up treating girls like shit, but those guys are doing it in spite of the values they claim, not because of them.
Bosh and nonsense!
The fastest way to fix the problem of violence against women:
Mandatory self defense courses starting in the elementary grades, continuing through all stages of pre-college education culminating in the equivalent of a brown belt level of proficiency as a requirement to graduate from high school.
That way any young girl graduates with a solid skill base in self defense.
“They would combat common attitudes among boys such as young women are either ‘good girls or sluts’, the report said.” I suppose that’ll be “good girls, or sex-positive feminists,” then.
“[I]t would help if teachers could ‘make the program fun’, the authors said.” Well, that sounds like a barrel of fun to me.
It’s pretty amazing what you can subject people to these days in the name of stopping violence.
Let’s see…
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
Blah blah blah blah blah blah,blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah…
Report author Dr Michael Flood…FULL STOP!
I dismissed the rest of the quoted piece, and entirely disposed of what I HAD read.
Anything ELSE beginning with “Fe*i*****ng Sez’…” forces me to ignore the rest of a post as well.
Just sayin’…
So, surely, in the interests of fairness, the girls will be undertaking “masculinity Studies” in order to understand the male sex, correct?
Funny how this “equality” is only one-way.