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On World Net Daily, Chuck Norris writes a touching column about the death of his younger brother in Vietnam.
For a long time I couldn’t function. I simply sat in shock, thinking about my little brother, Wieland, my best friend whom I would never see again in this life. Right there, in front of anyone who cared to see, I wept uncontrollably.
I learned later that Wieland had been killed while leading his squad through dangerous enemy territory. He had spotted an enemy patrol laying a trap and was trying to warn his men when the Vietcong cut him down.
When Wieland had been 12 years old, he’d once had a premonition that he would not live to be 28. Wieland died June 3, 1970, one month before his 28th birthday.
… It’s fitting for a soldier like Wieland that Memorial Day falls every year a week or so before the anniversary of the day he gave his life for the cause of freedom. Though we didn’t win the war in Vietnam, my brother did not die in vain, just like no soldier does today. Whether it’s for our freedom or another’s, the words of Jesus are true for all, “There is no greater love than this: that a man lay down his life for another.”
It’s a genuinely sad thing that true patriots, like Chuck Norris, are so hard to find in Hollyweird. If only more empty-headed celebrities realized that the troops they protest are the ones that give them their right to spout hate-filled drivel day in, and day out.
It’s a great column — make sure to read it all… or Chuck Norris will make you read it.
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