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OK folks, the demographic survey is now closed and the votes have been tallied. Just in case anyone is interested, here are the results:
Question One: What is your sex?
Male: 86%
Female: 14%
Question Two: How old are you?
0-18: 1%
18-25: 7%
25-34: 12%
34-45: 34%
45-54: 26%
54-65: 15%
65-up: 5%
Question Three: What is the highest level of education you have received?
Some high school: 1%
High school graduate: 7%
Some college: 26%
Associate’s degree: 10%
Bachelor’s degree: 24%
Some post-graduate: 9%
Master’s degree: 15%
Doctorate degree: 9%
Question Four: What is your total household income?
Less than $29,999: 10%
$30,000 – $49,999: 21%
$50,000 – $79,999: 27%
$80,000 – $99,999: 13%
$100,000 – up: 29%
Question Five: What is your marital status?
Single never married: 22%
In a relationship: 3%
Engaged: 2%
Married: 61%
Divorced: 10%
Widowed: 1%
Question Six: Have you ever served in the military?
Yes: 31%
No: 69%
Question Seven: If so, which branch?
Marine Corps: 3%
Army: 9%
Navy: 9%
Air Force: 10%
Coast Guard: 0% (1 person)
National Guard: 0% (1 person)
Never served: 69%
Question Eight: Are you a government employee?
Yes: 8%
No: 92%
Question Nine: Which political party are you registered with?
Republican: 69%
Democratic: 2%
Libertarian: 5%
Green Party: 0% (1 person)
Other independent: 23%
Question Ten: Who did you vote for in the 2008 presidential election?
John McCain: 86%
Barack Obama: 2%
Other: 6%
Did not vote: 6%
Decline to answer: 1%
So, what we found out is that middle aged married reasonably well to do and decently educated conservative men have the hots for Cassy. Just don’t tell our wives, m-kay?
Well, Chris beat me to it by a day, but I was going to say essentially the same thing. 🙂
Well, everyone loves a pretty girl – but, being toward the grayer end of the demographic (in the middle otherwise!), my feelings toward Cassy are more avuncular…no, really!