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Ann Coulter recently said how she would run the National Endowment for the Arts,0,3731115.story
My question is: If you had a choice of government programs to run, which one would it be and how would you do so?
I’d run the Department of Education. I’d get rid of all the teacher’s unions (the NEA would go first), establish school choice, and get rid of No Child Left Behind. Kids would be allowed to pray in school if they wanted, parents could use school vouchers to go to private or religious schools if they so chose, and I’d enforce the school grading system Florida has for all national schools. Any school that got an “F” two years in a row would see those students’ parents given the option to transfer their children to a better school, at the school district’s expense. I’d also enforce performance-based incentives for teachers and school administrators.
Of course, this is simply how I’d run the Department of Education. If I really had my way, I’d just get rid of the whole thing.
A good many people would agree with you, but as things stand politically and culturally, it would take a dictator to do those things you describe. That is why we are in the process of moving from representative democracy guided by a Constitution(now defunct in the courts)to semi-anarchy, to authoritarian socialism, eventually to even stronger authoritarian totalitarianism. To turn our backs on the traditions and cultural mores upon which this nation was founded and developed to lone super-power status into what is now “normal” in society will have a steep price. The people of this generation do not know who they are or where they come from and thus have NO idea which way to go.
Thank you for your response.
Children today are being shortchanged by the education shysters. More money is spent on teacher’s salaries than the students. Are we headed for a “Logan’s Run” type existence?