Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

A quote: “Luck is a very thin wire between survival and disaster, and not many people can keep their balance on it.” ~~ Hunter S. Thompson

I’ll start with a story …


The worst thing was to follow the roads. Had to go cross country.

Digging through the attic I found the box labeled “Boy Scout” … Compass, pocketknife … all the flotsam of jamboree summers …

“Can we go now?”

Stress crackled my wife’s voice. No blame. My own heart was in my throat. All these years, why hadn’t I been prepared? Had paid attention to the signs …

No use locking the door. Our backpacks were full but would they last? Granddad’s bolthole. We’d soon know if my old skills were intact.

We heard it, distant but not enough.



Now, it’s your turn.
. featured image, cropped, Adobe Stock standard license

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1 Comment
  • Cameron says:

    The Brownie started at me as I looked inside the stump. “If I was going to hurt you, I’d have done it already. Come out.”
    He stared at me curiously. “How did you know?”
    “The house over there has not been tended for years but it’s clean on the inside. I knew what to look for. Tell you what; I am moving in and you can stay to clean if you’d like.”
    “What do you offer?”
    “A loaf of bread every week and a bottle of whiskey every month.”
    And that’s how my inn got a reputation for being spotless.

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