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Good morning and Merry Christmas! We hope this greeting finds you all with a hot cup of your favorite beverage in one hand and a baked good in the other.
Because, you know, you’ll be knee deep in family and shredded wrapping paper in no time!
With all the issues of the day, and they are many, let’s look at Christmas as a pause to refresh our soul. An island of child-like delight in something so simple as houses decorated in twinkling lights or a plate of cookies in the shape of Christmas trees. Let us find a warm, inner peace in the awe of seeing a simple Nativity Scene or hearing a choir sing Silent Night.
A person doesn’t need to be Christian, or even religious, to find joy — and a measure of humanity — in this one day of celebration. A recurring topic from Dennis Prager, a religious and practicing Jew, is how much he has always loved the Christmas season.
So much of Western culture is tied up in Christmas. From glorious music, to books, to art and entertainment. And we aren’t passive observers either! We carol, our children perform in plays, we have parties … all centered around this wonderful event of hope in the future of mankind.
It is really something we need to be rededicate ourselves to. Now, more than ever.
Remember, even Scrooge found redemption and
He did it all, and infinitely more; and to Tiny Tim, who did not die, he was a second father. He became as good a friend, as good a master, and as good a man, as the good old city knew …
Merry Christmas and God bless everyone.
featured image, original graphic composite by Darleen Click
Merry Christmas !
Merry Christmas to all!
I was kinda’ hoping for a Christmas carol by the Andrews Sisters.
Merry Christmas, everyone!
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!