Code Pink declares victory in Berkeley… by packing up and going home.

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Code Pink declares victory in Berkeley… by packing up and going home.

Code Pink declares victory in Berkeley… by packing up and going home.

Well, Code Pink’s ridiculous protest in Berkeley is finally over. They’re packing up and leaving — and declaring victory?

Title: Mission Accomplished: One Year Testimonies at the MRS
START DATE: Wednesday September 24
TIME: 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Location Details:
MRS (Marine Recruiting Station)
64 Shattuck Square
(On Shattuck Ave just south of University where Shattuck runs one-way and north – also 2 blocks north of downtown Berkeley BART)
Event Type: Protest
Contact Name zanne joi
Email Address mzsam [at]
Phone Number 510-524-2776
CodePINK and our allies have prevailed!

Major protest operations at the MRS have been ended, one year since covert military recruiting operations were first uncovered in Berkeley!

Our coalition is now engaged in dis(as)sembling and deconstructing the U.S. military, making the world safe and secure!

Our city and our coalition are proud of these accomplishments!

Come to our One Year End Recruiting Commemoration Wednesday, Sept 24th noon at the MRS* to honor these courageous Peace Activists!

Share and hear testimonies from the front lines of our most memorable, meaningful, insightful actions, episodes, and occurrences over the past year.

For more information and to participate, just BE THERE or call 510-524-2776.

*The MRS is located at 64 Shattuck Square, Berkeley, on Shattuck Ave just south of University where Shattuck runs one-way and north – or two blocks north of the downtown BART.

The USMC Recruiting Center is still open. Code Pink is packing up and leaving. This means they prevailed?! In what warped reality do these crazy people live in??

I think my favorite line is the one about “covert military operations”. Yes, look at how hidden and secretive it is:

A storefront right on a busy street. Covered in USMC logos and banners. Those damn secretive bastards. Trying to hide things! And again, in what warped reality do they live in that disassembling the United States military makes the world safer? If it weren’t for the United States military, all of Europe would be speaking German right now. We’ve saved the world numerous times from various faces of evil, from fascism to communism and now Islamic terrorism. And in any case, Code Pink must be especially deluded to think that they have even one iota of impact upon our military.

And as for Code Pink’s “victory”? The recruiting center is still open. I called them myself. And they laughed and said, “We don’t pay much attention to them. We aren’t going anywhere.” I then told them that the rest of the country supports them, and they told me thank you and reassured me again that they weren’t leaving. Which means Code Pink lost. Their mission was to get the recruiting center closed, and they didn’t. So how was their mission accomplished?

It wasn’t. The Marines have faced much tougher foes than the measly Code Pink wackjobs, and they’re still standing while the unpatriotic loons are leaving with their tails between their legs, desperately trying to make it seem like they didn’t waste a year in Berkeley.


Hat Tip: Michelle Malkin

Are Republicans as equal as the Code Pinkos?
Video of the Day: Rob Riggle interviews Code Pinkos in Berkeley
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“We’ve served this nation to protect the likes of ingrates like you”
Berkeley moonbats are attacking the police now, too
The Code Pink wackos strike again

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  • Rob Farrington says:

    Semper Fi, Code Pink! Semper Fi…

  • Shannon in AZ says:

    Code Pink operates covertly, not the Marines. Code Pink knows most decent people hate them.

  • Greg says:


    I’ll give you an A for effort, but it’s obvious you have an IQ of 25, or are being paid to act as if you did. I’d ask if your mommy dropped you on your head when you were a baby, but that’d imply she didn’t just leave you in some dumpster in an alley somewhere.

    You’re a waste of oxygen, and everyone here is dumber for you having typed your post. God help us all.

  • Jennifer says:

    “We don’t pay much attention to them. We aren’t going anywhere.”

    I love it!

    And Tom,
    Isn’t there a bridge somewhere that’s missing you? Or possibly a village?

  • Michael says:

    “Which means Code Pink lost. Their mission was to get the recruiting center closed, and they didn’t. So how was their mission accomplished? ”

    Because they SAID so. Duh! That’s all a liberal has to do to make something true. Examples – “Bush lied.” “Oral sex is not sex.” “Carbon Dioxide is destroying the planet.” “Guns are bad.”

    As to Tom, who poked you under your bridge with a stick, you asshat? Does your mom know that you are commenting on the internet from her basement like that?

    ..Hey, that rhymed – which automatically makes me more clever than you! Maybe I should make a habit of flaming liberals on the internet Dr. Seuss style…

  • Instinct says:

    Greg, I wouldn’t even give Tom an A for effort, that was the lamest shit I have ever seen. Good lord, even those morons from Code Pinko can string together a better sentence than he can.

    And Tom, we know you are jealous that Cassy looks better in a dress than you do, but that is no reason to be catty about the whole thing.

    And does your mommy know that you are up this late at night? You should probably be in bed since you have elementary school in the morning

  • Scott Jacobs says:

    “one year since covert military recruiting operations were first uncovered in Berkeley!”

    Yes, those crafty Marines, hiding in plain sight, with signs and yellowpage listings…

    *rolls his eyes*

    WTF did the Pinkies have to do to uncover this? Was it more involved than being minimally observant as they drove down the street?

  • WayneB says:

    C’mon, people! “Tom” is obviously some punk kid’s script that goes around and insults people randomly. If there were really a “human” that dense, he wouldn’t be able to type.

  • Rob Farrington says:

    I really hope that ‘Tom’ is real…I’m generally a self-confident kind of person, but even I need total morons to feel deeply, deeply superior to, sometimes.

    He’s probably just jealous of Cassy’s boyfriend or something, and is trying to convince his own brain that it doesn’t matter that he’d never stand a chance by turning things around in his mind and telling himself that he’s actually rejecting her.

    Or I could be talking total bullsh*t – it’s not as if I have a psychology degree or anything, but it wouldn’t surprise me not only to discover that Michael was right and ‘Tom’ is posting from his mother’s basement somewhere, but that he also has a blow-up doll somewhere in there, and in an attempt to try to be a ‘real man’, does things with twine and 5 kilo weights that would make genito-urinary specialists everywhere cringe in horror.

    Tom, it’s OK, man! I know that Cassy is attractive, but you really have to do what the rest of us do and find a girlfriend of your own instead of lashing out at what you can never have. Stop thinking that everything is about you, and that she changed the angle of the photo just because she was worried about YOUR opinion. Maybe…just maybe, she’s happy in her own skin, and doesn’t give a toss what you think? Just putting that out there…

    While you’re obsessing anyway, care to explain why exactly you think that Obama/Biden would be better for your country than McCain/Palin? Or is that beyond your intellectual capabilities?

    Oh, what the hell…I know you’re probably just worrying that you might be going bald or something, so – DON’T try to comb it over; just shave it all off. And never, ever, stuff a pair of socks down the front of your trousers in an effort to appear manly and sexy. Even if you managed to score with a drunken, shallow woman (who might have a superficial resemblance to Cassy), she WOULD discover that it was only a pair of socks, believe me. Women are cunning, that way.

    Right, that’s it for Rob’s Friday Night Agony Uncle spot. Best of luck in your life, Tom. Just stay away from tinfoil hats and extremely heavy weights. Oh, and keyboards, too.

  • CaptDMO says:

    Damn, does this mean the private parking space goes too?

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