Palin’s speech brings a ratings blowout; over 50% of voters think the media is trying to hurt her.

Palin’s speech brings a ratings blowout; over 50% of voters think the media is trying to hurt her.

Sarah Palin was just a hair away from beating Obama’s record-breaking viewership. She got a whopping 37.2 million viewers tuning in on only six networks, as opposed to Obama’s ten.

Imagine if she’d gotten the same air time.

* The Sara Palin speech generated 37.2 million viewers, just a 1.1 million viewers short of Barak Obama’s record-breaking speech on Day 4 of the Democratic Convention. The Palin speech was carried on only six networks while the Obama speech was carried on ten (including BET, TV One, Univision and Telemundo).

* Palin attracted a large female audience (19.5 million women, or 4.9 million more than Day 3 of the Democratic Convention).

* Ratings for viewers 55+ (25.2) continue to be about ten times higher than for teens (2.2)

* Day 3 for the GOP attracted more Hispanic viewers (1.4 million) than Day 3 of the Democratic Convention (1.2 million), even though Univision and Telemundo did not carry the speech.

Kim Priestap puts this in great perspective:

Earlier today, Obama said – in an effort to show that he’s had it tougher on the campaign trail than Palin – that he’s had 19 months of campaign scrutiny as compared to only 4-5 days for Palin. Think about that. Obama has had 19 months to sharpen his image, to get his message out, to tour Europe, and to run ads, while Palin only had a mere 4 to 5 days, yet her viewership came within an eyelash of Obama’s? Wow. If those who are running the Obama campaign are smart, they are terrified right now.

No wonder the Obama campaign and the mainstream media are so scared. Sarah Palin is a powerhouse, and the American people are falling in love with her, despite all of their best efforts. (Don’t they know that the only rock star is Obama?!)

Unfortunately, the ignorant rubes in flyover country are catching on. Over 50% of voters think the media is trying to hurt her.

Over half of U.S. voters (51%) think reporters are trying to hurt Sarah Palin with their news coverage, and 24% say those stories make them more likely to vote for Republican presidential candidate John McCain in November.

Of course, the idiots in the MSM will just keep on with the vitriol. Objectivity? Professionalism? Please! They’ve got a savior to elect!

Hat Tip: Hot Air

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  • docjim505 says:

    The fact that so many people can see what the MSM is up to gives me hope. I really feared that Sarah Palin was DOA due to the nasty, viscious smear campaign the MSM has waged against her the past few days. However, it seems that people are smarter than I gave them credit for and can spot a propaganda campaign (this is a case where I’m very happy to be wrong).

    We’ve still got weeks to go before the election, but it may be that the MSM has overplayed its hand, firing up conservatives who (like me) were thinking about staying home AND women who aren’t too happy with the implication that a woman just can’t be vice president AND a mother.

  • Andrew says:

    Its just fun watching the liberal media continue to shoot themselves. They seem to be furoius that conservative Christians are not acted in accorrdance with thier ignorant stereotypes. First, they think Christians will turn on her because she’s a woman. Didn’t happen. Then they think Christians will turn on her because her daughter got pregnant. Didn’t happen. Could it be that people could actually have moral values and still acknowlege that we all make mistakes and that God forgives. This is simply the best thing the happen to the conservative movement in years. And to think, just weeks ago, I was getting all worried John McCain will choose Lieberman or Rudy as a running mate.

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