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Anyone with a brain knows that the media is in the bag for Obama. They aren’t exactly subtle. But articles like this one show that even the pretense of objectivity has been completely abandoned:
John McCain’s campaign could be panicking or politicking with its claim that sexism lies beneath any questions about Sarah Palin’s past.
They say they’re not panicked — that the Alaska governor’s spot on the GOP ticket is secure — so that leaves room for just one conclusion for now: McCain’s political team is playing the gender card to appeal to women, and bashing the media to solidify support among conservatives.
Hours before Palin’s high-stakes address to the nation, McCain was trying to inoculate his untested and embattled running mate against criticism.
Palin is seeking the second most powerful job in the nation. The media views its job as scrutinizing her background, helping voters determine her readiness to serve and raising questions about the decision-making process of the man who chose her — a man, John McCain, who tells voters he has the experience and judgment to serve as president.
The scrutiny will continue, as it always does, and the betting among leading Republicans is that Palin survives. None of the revelations so far rise to the level of disqualifying. And, while she has served less than a term as governor, Democratic Sen. Barack Obama is the living embodiment of the fact that this election is less about experience than it is about change. Voters want a fresh approach, if not a fresh face, in Washington.
And that’s the point. McCain wants conservative voters, many of whom were lukewarm toward his candidacy, whipped into high dungeon in defense of Palin, angry at the media and the unnamed liberal elites who are denounced by most every convention speaker.
If the AP doesn’t believe that there’s sexism in the media and on the left against Sarah Palin, they should take a stroll on over to Melissa Clouthier’s. She’s been keeping a running tally.
There’s a good reason the media and the left have been attacking Sarah Palin so viciously: they’re terrified. They’ve resorted to lying, to demonizing and attacking her seventeen-year-old daughter, making stories up about her four-month-old son… anything they can do to scare and intimidate her. Too bad for the media that Sarah Palin doesn’t seem like the type to be easily intimidated. But, they’re outraged because there’s this conservative woman who is brilliant, tough and principled, all the while raising a big family and sticking to her values, that they never approved. If Sarah Palin was “Steve” Palin, these attacks wouldn’t be happening. But, Sarah Palin lit the country on fire, and no one had permission to do that except Barack Obama. So, the media is outraged. They see themselves as the real gatekeepers to the White House. They’re the ones who get to decide elections. And they didn’t give their permission to John McCain to choose Sarah Palin. The only solution for them is to attack Sarah Palin in some of the lowest and most despicable ways.
The outrage has little to do with experience, and almost everything to do with being outfoxed by McCain. The media expected a staid, boring, safe white man that they could pigeonhole. Instead, they got a dynamic, successful, smart conservative “hockey mom” with a record of reform that Barack Obama cannot match and that is the antithesis of Joe Biden. They got knocked out of their lane, and now they have to figure out how to explain how they could possibly have overlooked Palin in their calculations. Presto! They overlooked her because she’s so inexperienced!
Unfortunately for the MSM, people are catching on. So what’s the result now? The McCain campaign is just making it up! The solution is never to tone down the disgusting attacks or to maybe show some principled objectivity. No, it’s just to use the debate equivalent of a five-year-old sticking his fingers in his ears and saying, “NYAH NYAH NYAH NYAH, I CAN’T HEAR YOU!!”
This will be the death of journalism. And the mainstream media will have no one to blame for it but themselves.
On a tip from reader Scott.
As someone else said on another blog, McCain is inside the Obama Camp’s OODA loop…
Obama’s people are striking at where McCain WAS, while McCain is striking for where they will be in a moment. Steps ahead…
It’s like Atwater came back.
I’ve read some user comments over at Townhall from those on the left and in the middle regarding the way that Governor Palin is being attacked in the media…mostly stating her ‘hypocrisy’, mostly connected with daughter (and, incidentally, thereby disproving the fact that teaching sexual abstinence works) and down syndrome’s son. They then typically go on as to how the Right are all a bunch of hypocrites and how we portray ourselves as the holy, beacons of light.
Speaking for myself as a ‘righter’, I can honestly say that I am no better than one person or the other than either on the right or the left….frankly, I’ve done some things that (in the words of Steve Brown) “would make your toes curl”. Only God is holy, and those made holy through the blood of his son, Jesus Christ.
However, I’m not sure if I have noticed this accusation of the left that the Right put themselves on the pedestals over others in the Repub camp, though there are usually exceptions to this rule.
I suppose they take a look at magnates like Limbaugh or Hannity that constantly tend to demonize those on the left and apply this to everyone in their camp; thus, they believe all right-wingers are like them: cutting and proud. I tend to agree with some of these claims, I guess; the two of them tend to be a bit on the extreme side and have healthy egos.
I don’t tend to give my opinions on political sites too often, so I hope some of this was coherent. Or, at the least, spelled correctly. 🙂
I do enjoy your blog, though, Cassy!
Anyway, any thoughts?
Wow, grammatical errors, ahoy! Sorry about that.
Wow, one more thing I thought I might bring up. I was listening to Mitch Album on the radio the other day (his radio station, WJR, is based in Detroit) speaking about how people are comparing the experience of both Barack Obama and Sarah Palin.
He was actually *ARGUING* the point that Obama has more experience because he has actually spent the past year and a half trying to go abroad gaining experiences in other countries…useful for foreign policy and the like.
That is true. It seems that the liberal media is just making themselves look bad in their classless attempts to make Sarah Palin look bad.
This reminds me of when I started college at a liberal secular university. I had no idea what my political views were at the time. After a year of having Gay Pride festivals and other liberal indoctrunation shoved down my throat, I came home a conservative.
He was actually *ARGUING* the point that Obama has more experience because he has actually spent the past year and a half trying to go abroad gaining experiences in other countries…useful for foreign policy and the like.
So, if I go and spend a weekend in the Bahamas, it makes me qualified to be Ambassador to the Bahamas?
You whine so much about the so-called “liberal media” that you forget that
a) Its their job to ASK QUESTIONS and present FACTS
b) Those FACTS almost always point out the lack of morals, integrity, honesty or rational thought in republican policies, positions, or rhetoric.
There’s a whole bunch of us that just laugh and laugh when we hear you guys whine about “liberal media.” Its too funny to think of you whining about news people presenting honest facts, and comparing that reality to, say, reporting from FoxNews or the Hippo of Hypocrisy, Rush Limbaugh.
We prefer critical thinking and rational thought.