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Continuing on in the “I’m a feminist and I’m perpetually offended” department is a video posted on (you guessed it!) Feministing. It’s from Playboy TV, which should have alerted the crack sexism investigators over at Feministing to what they would be in for. But no, of course not… they still found it OFFENSIVE! and SEXIST!
First, Ann’s take on the video:
I sent this parody of the notoriously horrific and degrading porno video “Two Girls, One Cup” to a beloved guy friend earlier this week and he wrote back that he thought it was meant to be a joke. Which, yes, it is. But that doesn’t mean it’s a good one.
My response to him: I’m sort of sick of people thinking they’re making a joke while using all of the same antiquated conventions of the thing they’re making fun of, i.e. objectifying women, promoting perfectionist body standards, fetishistizing blondes and Asians, making a mockery of actual female sexuality etc. etc. etc.
It’s not funny. It’s like white people making fun of racism by peddling in racist stereotypes.
His response: I hear you.
Little feminist education of the day, done. (brushing hands together)
And here’s the actual video, a spoof of the infamous “2 girls, 1 cup” video. This one, however, is “2 girls, 1 sub” and features a very yummy looking Quizno’s sub.
Now, I don’t know if Playboy and Quizno’s partnered together for this or what. But in any case, I wish that the idiots at Feminist would lighten up. It’s a freaking stupid video of two girls eating a sandwich and making sex noises. Oh my God, but they happen to be attractive! And wearing bikinis! And acting sexual! It must be sexist and objectifying women everywhere! It must be stopped!!!!
But I thought feminists wanted women to embrace their sexuality — does that not count if it pleases men? I thought feminists said it didn’t matter what women looked like — does that only count if you’re ugly? I thought feminists said women can wear whatever they want — does that not include bikinis? I thought feminists said women could do whatever they wanted — does that not count if men happen to like it?
Several of the commenters actually said that this ad made them feel more sick than the actual “2 girls, 1 cup” video did, which is saying A LOT. And if that is the case, then you need to get the gigantic chip off of your shoulder, stat. It was just a stupid, immature video. You getting all hyper-sensitive over it gives it more power than it may have ever had to begin with.
And while I did find the sex part more than a little ridiculous — I mean, really? Moaning with delight over eating a freakin’ sub? Really? — I sure as hell want a Quizno’s sub now.
I’ve felt that way after a sandwich too.
I think that is the best commercial ever. I am very hungry now. And the sub looked delicious too.
Note that the sexist, offensive video was put out by Playbody, who’s CEO is a chick. I quess Chistie prefers making moeny than protecting gender feminist sensibiities. She’s not making money off of me. I hardly care.
That’s a lot better than the Quizno’s commercials that Versus is showing during NHL playoff games, with the creepy talking toaster and homoerotic overtones.
“Put it in me.” I couldn’t believe they actually put that on TV during a sporting event, even if it is Versus and no one sees it.
It’s dirty cause they are implying that the two girls are going to do something much more nasty then eat the sub. You know what I mean.
So they went from fighting for the right to vote and basic equality, to complaining that pretty women are often employed to sell things (often to men, although womens magazines have as many half naked chicks as most magazines aimed at men).
Wow. On the plus side, if feminists are focusing on this sort of thing we can conclude that gender inequality (the real kind) isn’t really an issue anymore.
Doesn’t this draw an association between the sandwich and poop? The outraged feminist angle seems pretty low on the list of stuff that’s screwed up about Quizno’s ads lately.
Couple of points…
1) Of COURSE it’s a joke! Look at those girls – you think they actually EAT?
2) Why is it that it’s always the moderately homely (and worse) girls who get so cranked up about this sort of thing – why isn’t Keira Knightly or Pam Anderson out there protesting their objectification?
3) I wanna know why Ann’s not over here RIGHT NOW, protesting that Uber-Hot ‘Cassy-Wish-List’ picture – c’mon – droppin’ the ball, here!
– MuscleDaddy
You notice they always cut away after they took a bit.. obviously so someone can run in with a bucket so the models could spit the sandwich out…
We must track down the men who make them do this, and make them pay!
Yes this is sexist. Like many ads on TV it shows women to be objects of men’s affections. Cassy, I’m curious, where do you draw the line? Do you believe sexism exists? Do you ever find objectifying women problematic?
You are also getting two idea mixed in your head.
Feminists do want women to express their sexuality. But on their own terms rather than on the terms of the corporate world, advertising world, man’s world, or what have you. There may be a fine line – because afterall a sexy woman is a sexy woman in everyone’s eyes. But the difference has to do with exploitation vs empowerment.
If a man says take your clothes off for my camera do you feel empowered? If on the other hand you are making a movie and you take off your own clothes you at least are in a position to tell yourself you are only objectifying yourself. But then that brings up another argument. Are you then thinking for yourself or doing what you think society expects? Think about it. It’s a man’s world and not necessarily better because of it.
Yes, ModDem, this advert can be described as being sexist. But so can one showing in the UK right now, which proclaims ‘Even a man can do it!’.
Men are routinely shown on TV as being so stupid that they’re unable even to operate even a washing machine. Speaking for myself, I don’t get offended by ads denigrating men – I just roll my eyes and then forget about it; any woman who believes that all men really are that way are as stupid as those men who seriously believe that women can’t drive. And if someone’s that dumb, then should you really be worrying about their opinion about you in the first place?
The majority of people I know, whether male or female, respect the opposite sex, and aren’t influenced adversely by these ads at all. The REAL feminists won their fight years ago – most men, in my experience, accept women as equals, and vice versa. So this ad objectifies women? Oh noes…maybe it’ll flip a switch in my primitive, non self-aware brain, and cause me to suddenly see my fiancee as a sex object, rather than my best friend!?!
Of course, there IS still rampant sexism in many places in the world. Maybe the women at Feministing feel the need to confront the existence of ads such as this, before turning their collective attention to FGM, stonings to death for alleged adultery, and suchlike, and it’s actually just some sort of a training exercise before having to deal with the cruelty and misogyny that women who aren’t fortunate enough to have been born in a Judeo-Christian culture have to contend with every day.
If you ever want to organise a leafleting campaign for the women of Darfur to let them know how much you support them, and how you’re going to demonstrate your support by complaining about ads on American TV, then let us know.
I, for one, will support you all the way. Go, Sisters!
I notice the poster dishonestly leaves out that it’s a Playboy ad in order to manufacture additional outrage. I could understand anger if it was on a major network, but it isn’t. Although if it was a network television, the feminists would probably be praising it (mostly to stick it to the Christians). I assume Playboy TV also has advertisements for pornographic films. The hyper sexuality of this ad fits right in.
My favorite part of the post is the comments. They perfectly illustrate that the women of Feministing are so deep into their warped ideology that they leave all semblance of logic and reason behind. Some commentators are actually complaining that the ad is racist because it has a Asian girl in it. How can this ad possibly be racist against Asians, without also being racist against blonds? It makes absolutely no coherent sense. Not to mention their collective shock that Playboy TV would contain an advertisement targeted exclusively to men.
Fact is, the creators of the ad don’t give a rats ass about any kind of ideological battle; they just want to sell sandwiches. Sex sells. That’s all they care about.
If this is just on Playboy TV, what are these feminists watching it for anyhow? If you are watching that network you aren’t exactly worried about feminist issues are you? Now if this commercial was on a regular cable station where kids can see it I would have a problem with it.
“fetishistizing blondes and Asians”? Huh? So, we can only show sexy brunettes who aren’t Asian? Why didn’t feministing celebrate the diversity of the cast instead?
ModDem: Cassy is right. Get your head out of the sand.
“fetishistizing blondes and Asians”?
If anything its “fetishistizing” subs. What about the girls who want to eat subs on camera because they have a very high sub drive and they have to eat lots of subs a day so they figure they might as well make money while they do it?
I mean it’s one thing if a girl is being pressured to eat a sub on camera or she doesn’t want to her or it makes her uncomfortable or even if she has to do it for money, I don’t think women should be taken advantage of like that.
But some girls like to eat subs on camera, and even though they are in a situation where they don’t have to, they are smart and empowered and have their own production company and still like to eat lots of subs on camera, some times eating two subs at once. Wouldn’t it be anti-women to tell those types of women that they can’t eat subs on camera even though its what they love to do?
If a woman is freely doing it on her own, I think its great. She should eat as many subs as she wants on camera, or eat two or three at a time. She can eat a whole line of subs and it is only empowering her.
I don’t know if I’ll call it sexist but I’ll call it extremely annoying. I couldn’t even look at the whole thing because it was so irratating. Now I can’t even go to Quizno’s without thinking about this crap. I’ll now just hear moaning in the back of my head.
But I don’t get the whole comment that MuscleDaddy made about them not eating. They’re not that skinny. Hell I’m a size 4 and I eat like crazy….