Trump Explodes at News Outlets for Reporting on Empty Chairs at SC Event

Trump Explodes at News Outlets for Reporting on Empty Chairs at SC Event

Trump Explodes at News Outlets for Reporting on Empty Chairs at SC Event

Donald Trump is on the warpath again against certain media outlets, but this time his tirade doesn’t involve Fox News.

He railed against Politico on Twitter on Thursday.

Why did he call Politico dishonest?

Because Politico — along with CNN and the Washington Post — reported on polls from Quinnipiac and CNN/ORC that suggest that the Trump surge may be abating. Trump, of course, call the stories “dishonest reporting.”

And then there was this picture taken by an AP photographer of empty chairs at a Trump event in Charleston, South Carolina, and published by Politico. Trump was addressing the Greater Charleston Business Alliance and the South Carolina African-American Chamber of Commerce.


Trump ranted in an exclusive interview to

‘The room was full. Everybody surged forward. I was speaking from the podium. Everybody was wrapped around the podium. If they hadn’t done that, there wouldn’t have been an empty seat.’
‘They all got out of their chairs and they ran to the front. And I look like a schmuck. If those people moved back into their chairs, the room was full. Totally full.’

The photo that favors Trump.

He added:

‘The photographer is a f***ing thief. Tell them they’re a fraud, whoever took it. I just got killed on that thing, and it was just really unfair. It’s godd**n unfair.’

CNN’s Randi Kaye also caught heat from Trump after they reported the empty chairs. CNN maintained its reporting that the Charleston event was not well-attended, although a later event with Senator Tim Scott was nearly full. CNN did report that this was better attended.

Once again, Donald Trump shows himself to be a vulgar, thin-skinned, narcissistic bully who blames others when anything negative is ever said about him. He also stretches the truth to fit his narrative. Surrounded by yes-men in his business ventures for the bulk of his life, Trump is aghast that there are people who deign to report on the less flattering aspects of his presidential campaign. Well, guess what, Mr. Trump. You just can’t tell the world “you’re fired!”

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Kim is a pint-sized patriot who packs some big contradictions. She is a Baby Boomer who never became a hippie, an active Republican who first registered as a Democrat (okay, it was to help a sorority sister's father in his run for sheriff), and a devout Lutheran who practices yoga. Growing up in small-town Indiana, now living in the Kansas City metro, Kim is a conservative Midwestern gal whose heart is also in the Seattle area, where her eldest daughter, son-in-law, and grandson live. Kim is a working speech pathologist who left school system employment behind to subcontract to an agency, and has never looked back. She describes her conservatism as falling in the mold of Russell Kirk's Ten Conservative Principles. Don't know what they are? Google them!

  • Appalled By The World says:

    This distracting, childish sideshow is really wearing thin. Trump needs to quit acting like a 3 year old and get down to addressing real issues if he’s really serious about capturing the White House. If he spent this sort of energy in attacking the Progressive-Islamist Axis of Evil on a constant basis this guy probably would win easily. So far, so bad.

  • Jane says:

    First of all, the empty chair photo is misleading. Did you not notice there were people standing three deep up front?
    I wish sites like this would actually report on what Trump says during his speeches. He goes into quite a bit of policy, but too many sites like this do nothing but write about this kind of nonsense.

    • Kim Quade says:

      I disagree. There may have been a row of people three-deep gathered around the podium, but their numbers were not at all equal to the many times more rows of empty chairs, which also stretched across the width of a large ballroom.

      I’m not sure what “quite a bit of policy” you’re referencing. I see Trump’s website and see only two positions listed: immigration and (now) Second amendment issues. He makes lots of promises during his speeches yet gives few specifics as to how they will be accomplished.

      Mr. Trump has chosen to make the insulting of political opponents his stock-in-trade. No other candidate has behaved in such a manner. As long as he behaves in such a glaring manner, attention will naturally be given to his actions by people who report and comment on him.

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