So he wants Obama’s “liberal world order”

So he wants Obama’s “liberal world order”

The media has been having a heyday this past week. Not only have they continued their attacks on the Trump Administration but they got to once again cover their hero, Barack Obama. Oh the glowing coverage the Big O got during his time in South Africa. Such a statesman. Such a visionary. Such a fraud (oops, they didn’t say that. I did.) Now comes the latest in those singing Obama’s praises. “Conservative columnist” Max Boot laments that, because of the current political climate here in the United States, he’d take back Obama in a “nanaosecond”.

Reading Boot’s article, at first it is difficult to see what all the brouhaha is about. He notes how he worked to defeat Obama with both the McCain and Romney campaigns. He admits he thought Obama was too hard on Israel and too soft of Iran, among other things. But then — THEN — he walks off the end of the pier without ever looking back.

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Ava Gardner