Chelsea Clinton, meet the facts

Chelsea Clinton, meet the facts

Following in the footsteps of so many great Democratic mouthpieces — the national media, Rosie O’Donnell and Chelsea Handler, just to name a few — Chelsea Clinton has once again proven she’d much rather go for shock-value than check the facts before hitting “enter”. Maybe she enjoys stirring up people’s emotions and spreading lies about the current Administration. Maybe she simply believes herself to be above doing anything like actually checking the source before retweeting something. Either way, she got caught out yesterday and, like her mother, has yet to admit she did anything wrong.

#Debate2016: Clinton Aide Jesse Lehrich Tells Trump to “Go F*cK Yourself”

#Debate2016: Clinton Aide Jesse Lehrich Tells Trump to “Go F*cK Yourself”

You may recall the dustup following the DNC convention when Captain Humayun Khan’s Gold Star parents, Khizr and Ghazala Khan, attacked Donald Trump. Well, the pearl-clutching Victorians…

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Ava Gardner