Russia: Active Measures Continue to Target and Threaten America

Russia: Active Measures Continue to Target and Threaten America

A few weeks ago, I wrote that Russia was, is, and will continue to be a threat to the United States, and very little of said threat has anything to do with Donald Trump, the Democrats’ continued pearl-clutching obsession with what they claim was collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians to deprive Queen Pantsuit of her White House throne, or influencing the results of a specific election.

Is Russia a Threat? Not a Trick Question

Is Russia a Threat? Not a Trick Question

After President Trump’s disastrous gaffe/non-gaffe about believing Russia’s Vladimir Putin over his own national security apparatus and the subsequent retraction of those comments, the President seemed to…

Olsen and Haas: Full Rutabaga on Electoral College

Olsen and Haas: Full Rutabaga on Electoral College

Every time the Democrats lose a national election, they inevitably derp about the abolition of the electoral college. This happened after Al Gore lost to George W….

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Ava Gardner