Fidel Castro’s Regime: Myth VS Reality [VIDEOS]

Fidel Castro’s Regime: Myth VS Reality [VIDEOS]

The news of Fidel Castro’s death has created waves around the world. As Deanna said, it is indeed the Best November EVER! Cheers and tears of joy abound from Cubans living here in the United States – especially in Miami’s Little Havana.

Meanwhile world leaders, pundits, the media, and those who think Communism and Castro is totally awesome are completely ignoring the realities of just how oppressive and heinous Castro’s reign actually was.

Myth: According to Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Castro was a ‘larger than life leader,’ and called him a “legendary revolutionary and orator.”

Reality: To others such as Cuban poet, Armando Valladares, life under Castro meant jail and constant torture…for TWENTY TWO YEARS.

Suddenly, everything was a whirl – my head spun around in terrible vertigo. They beat me as I lay on the floor. One of them pulled at my arm to turn me over and expose my back so he could beat me more easily. And the cables fell more directly on me. The beating felt as if they were branding me with a red-hot branding iron, but then suddenly I experienced the most intense, unbearable, and brutal pain of my life. One of the guards had jumped with all his weight on my broken, throbbing leg.”

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Ava Gardner