Officials On Oklahoma Beheading: “No Terror Connection” And Our Dhimmi In Chief

Officials On Oklahoma Beheading: “No Terror Connection” And Our Dhimmi In Chief

Once again the “Religion of Peace” has reared its ugly head, and contridicted our dhimmi in chief-in Oklahoma of all places! Yesterday, as blogged here by Jodi Giddings, Alton Alexander Nolan, a recent Islamic convert,  was fired from his job at an Oklahoma food processing plant. He got in his car, drove to the front of the building and then allegedly attacked two female former co-workers. One of the women was attacked so savagely that she literally lost her head.

Alton FB
OK beheading suspect Alton Alexander Nolan seen on his Facebook page

What makes this even more disturbing is the behavior of the Muslim community in the town of Moore Oklahoma during the press conference by the local sherriff’s office, which was detailed by Jim Hoft on the site Gateway Pundit . Thirty to forty Muslims from the community were seen at the press conference held yesterday to discuss the hideous goings on reading the Koran out loud and shouting “Praise Allah!” as the details of the attack were given out to those in attendence.

Thankfully the CEO of the plant also happens to be a reserve Sherriff’s Deputy in the local town and was carrying a gun that day. He shot Nolan twice and stopped his rampage, which is a blessing since who knows if the other woman injured in the attack might have lost her head as well.

CEO/Oklahoma County Reserve Deputy Mark Vaughan Photo credit: NY Daily News

Local officials have determined that there is “no terror link” which makes my still intact head throb with pain. Not only do we have a dhimmi, or sympathizer, in the White House we have our military (remember Fort Hood was declared “Workplace violence”) AND our local law enforcement throughout our nation cowtowing to radical Islam. Even our President has done it in the past week!

When Obama spoke at the United Nations (UN) on Tuesday he said:

“The president told the UN that the “future must not belong” to a series of people including “corrupt” leaders and those who “bully women.” But one line from that list stood out. “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.””

And this is even after ISIS beheaded a British Aid worker just shy of two weeks ago. Thank goodness for those of us in the blogosphere since Fox News admits that all the Mainstream Media (MSM) ignored the comment in their coverage of his UN speech while the conservative blogs acted like journalists should.

Ben Shapiro of Breitbart said Obama’s comments were “precisely the opposite of what the Founders would have intended.” “Those who ‘slander the prophet of Islam’ are people exercising their right to free speech,” he continued. Red State’s Erick Erickson explained that orthodox Christians don’t believe Muhammad is a prophet. “Actual Christians, as opposed to many of the supposed Christians put up by the mainstream media, believe that Christ is the only way to salvation. Believing that is slandering Muhammad.”

Over at Hot Air, Erika Johnsen reminded readers that the Mideast unrest is not about the video. “[I]f we believe that all people have a right to express their views, even ones with which we disagree, why are we still talking about this dumb video?” she asked. The website Twitchy reminded readers that Obama himself had told “The View” to “the best way to marginalize” the video was to “ignore” it. “Yet he mentioned it a half a dozen times during his UN address,” Twitchy said.”

In closing I have to echo Jodi’s comments-lock and load because no one else is going to do it for you because the military, law enforcement and everyone else is too busy carrying radical Islam’s water.


UPDATE: According to Breitbart’s Big Peace in an article posted today the leader of Alton Nolan’s mosque in Oklahoma City , Imam Suhaib Webb, has ties to Anwar al-Awlaki and also has ties to the Islamic Society of Boston which was the mosque attended by the Boston Bombers.

UPDATE 9/27/2014 8:25 P.M.-Breitbart Texas was able to confirm with Moore Oklahoma Public Information Officer (PIO) Jeremy Lewis that the previous reports of the Muslims yelling “Praise Allah” at the press conference regarding the beheading of an Oklahoma woman were in fact false. The same source has confirmed that at least the local law enforcement in Oklahoma are, rightly, labeling this incident a terror incident. According to the same PIO, “What is a terror event? Something that causes terror. This caused terror.” He added that the suspect “made a statement, absolutely…[he] brought terror to that business and now has everyone in a frenzy and did what we categorize terrorists as doing.” Thank you PIO Lewis, you just brought back SOME of my faith in humanity.


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