Conyers Tries Hillary Excuse For His Problems [VIDEO]

Conyers Tries Hillary Excuse For His Problems [VIDEO]

Conyers Tries Hillary Excuse For His Problems [VIDEO]

It took until Sunday morning, but John Conyers finally accepted responsibility for his actions and… stepped aside as Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee.

What, you actually thought he would resign? Not with Nancy Pelosi covering for him!

Oh, but you see, this is all just a “vast right-wing conspiracy” to undermine him, and all the important work that Conyers still has to do.

Hmmm, where have I heard this excuse before…

And yes, Conyers is blaming that noted alt-right website, BuzzFeed, for running the story.

As those who will read Buzzfeed’s original post will recall…

The documents were first provided to BuzzFeed News by Mike Cernovich, the men’s rights figure turned pro-Trump media activist who propagated a number of false conspiracy theories including the “Pizzagate” conspiracy. Cernovich said he gave the documents to BuzzFeed News for vetting and further reporting, and because he said if he published them himself, Democrats and congressional leaders would “try to discredit the story by attacking the messenger.” He provided them without conditions. BuzzFeed News independently confirmed the authenticity of the documents with four people directly involved with the case, including the accuser.

Oh, but Conyers wasn’t done.

Because now due process is more important than believing victims. Even those who initially wanted to change the system…

… are having a problem.

The only takeaway from Rep. Jackie Speier’s comments is that she really must not like Al Franken.

Borrowing an excuse from Hillary Clinton isn’t going to save Conyers, but his colleagues in Congress probably will. Odds are that he will get his hands slapped with a minor ethics violation, and the Democrats will then patiently sit back and wait for the 88 year old congressman to either fade away or die in office. While Conyers might avoid resigning, his legacy might be that he actually created bipartisan reform to the Office of Compliance. Of course, all past sins might be swept under the rug and covered up.

In the House, a bipartisan group of lawmakers, led by Representative Jackie Speier, Democrat of California, and Representative Barbara Comstock, Republican of Virginia, is pushing for legislation that would require claims to be handled in public. In the Senate, Senator Kirstin Gillibrand, Democrat of New York, has put forth similar legislation.

“It was a system set up in 1995 to protect the harasser,” Ms. Speier said on the ABC program “This Week,” adding, “We say zero tolerance, but I don’t believe that we put our money where our mouths are.”

One major question, however, is whether the Speier-Comstock legislation should apply retroactively, meaning that those who have paid past settlements would now be identified. The legislation would cover any settlement reached since the beginning of this year.

Wait, what? Why only the beginning of THIS year?

Ignore the old guy in the room who walks around in his underwear. We’re totally serious about revealing how taxpayer money is spent in paying off victims, starting…. NOW!

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