Abortion or Murder? You Can’t Have it Both Ways

Abortion or Murder? You Can’t Have it Both Ways

Yesterday, Cuyahoga County prosecutor Timothy McGinty indicated he’s considering filing murder charges against Ariel Castro, which carry with them the penalty of death if convicted. As most of the nation is aware, Castro kidnapped, held captive for ten years, and repeatedly raped at least three women. He forced the termination, via starvation and brutal punches to the stomach, of at least five pregnancies during the years the women were enslaved. The prosecutor suggests that Castro will be held accountable for every instance of violent rape, assault, and potentially murder, “suggesting the counts could number in the hundreds, if not thousands.” The details of Castro’s brutal mistreatment of the women is not yet fully known, but a few details include:

— [Amanda] Berry, now 27, told officers that she was forced to give birth in a plastic pool in the house so it would be easier to clean up. Berry said she, her baby, now 6, and the two other rescued women had never been to a doctor during their captivity.

— Michelle Knight, now 32, said her five pregnancies ended after Castro starved her for at least two weeks and “repeatedly punched her in the stomach until she miscarried.” She also said Castro forced her to deliver Berry’s baby under threat of death if the baby died. Knight said that when the newborn stopped breathing, she revived her through mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

Concurrently, the trial of Kermit Gosnell is ongoing. The jury has yet to deliver its verdict. Gosnell, an abortion “doctor,” is accused of murdering numerous infants, outside the womb, by snipping the spines of the premature babies, born alive, with surgical scissors. He is also charged with the murder of  a former patient. Gosnell is not an anomaly, but rather the face of infanticide, also known as “late term abortion,” in our nation.

Which begs the question: How is starving and punching a woman in the abdomen, in an effort to cause the termination of her pregnancy, at any stage, deemed murder by the state, but having a baby terminated by a “doctor” in a medical setting deemed legal abortion, and therefore protected by same? It seems the only difference is that the mother requests the termination of her pregnancy, rather than having it forced upon her. I challenge anyone to answer this question, logically and with supporting facts.

And here’s why the mainstream media, until recently when shamed into reporting it, had been ignoring the Gosnell story:

“There is one journalist sitting in that courtroom who writes for a local publication who has told me that he is very liberal, very pro-choice,” Mullane told Huckabee, “but after sitting through the testimony in the Gosnell trial, he’s reconsidered. He’s changed his mind.”

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